(a) The House Numbering or Addressing System shall be based upon a grid. The grid will consist of 12 divisions or hundred blocks to each mile in a north-south direction and east-west direction.
(1) Odd Address numbers will be assigned to buildings on the west and south of streets and even numbers to those on north and east sides of the streets.
(2) The assignment of numbers to buildings on cul-de-sacs will be a continuation of the numbers on the street from which they originate. Street signs on cul-de-sacs shall state the house numbers to be found in each cul-de-sac.
(b) House Numbers shall be assigned by the City Clerk. The City Clerk is authorized to establish such exceptions to the system as may be made necessary by the irregular routing of streets, avenues, and other highways. Such exceptions shall be shown on a plat made under the direction of the City Clerk and kept on file in the office of the clerk.
(c) All numbering shall be in sequential order and all homes presently not numbered in such order shall be renumbered.
(d) The owner or occupant of every house or building shall place on the house or building in a conspicuous place a number at least four inches in height in a contrasting and distinctly visible manner from the street.
(e) Any person required by the provisions of this section to put up or place upon his or her house or building any number who fails to do so, shall upon conviction thereon, be fined a sum not exceeding $100.00. This penalty shall not be in effect until six (6) months from the date of the adopting ordinance (Ord. 933).
(Ord. 933)